Syddansk Universitet: PhD Position: From Cuteness to Conservation: Using the Hazel Dormouse as a Model for Cross-Disciplinary Learning on Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

In a cross-faculty science project between Department of Biology (Faculty of Natural Sciences) and Department of Media, Design, Education and Cognition (Humanistic Faculty) we announce a three-year PhD position starting September 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter within the project:

From Cuteness to Conservation: Using the Hazel Dormouse as a Model for Cross-Disciplinary Learning on Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation.

Purpose of the PhD project
In targeting the goal of climate neutrality by 2050, educating youth about the effects of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is of great importance. The PhD student is expected to investigate how novel data on the Danish Hazel dormouse can be used to create a cross-disciplinary educational tool and platform where science, learning and management meet each other.

This project aims to develop science-based educational tools to fill knowledge gaps in the public understanding of ecosystem functionality using the threatened dormouse as an example. The PhD student is expected to develop and investigate educational tools that illustrate how population dynamics are influenced not only by intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors including climate change, competition for food and nest sites, and habitat fragmentation. Investigation of these tools can focus on their potential to increase the learning experience and heighten the understanding of the climate change-driven effect on ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. We expect the PhD student to explore and analyze the outcome and value of science-based learning in out-of-school venues, like museums (in particular Naturama) and youth-driven forums, as well as interactive educational platforms with learning material and Social Media.

Motivation for overall research focus
Captivating stories based on charismatic species are key communication instruments for attracting and maintaining interest in science. Such stories can highlight the connection between the population ecology of a species and climate change. The dormouse is one of Denmark’s most charismatic species and we envisage it as a flagship species in citizen science, teaching and outreach projects focussing on themes like climate change, biodiversity, population ecology and dynamics, mathematical modelling, and trophic interactions. We expect that novel field data on this species’ demography, genetics, and population dynamics at the periphery of its distribution range can provide a concrete empathy-triggering case story for teaching and public awareness. We expect a focus of the PhD study to be the investigation of how engagement with this case story affects citizens’ understanding of the climate change driven problems and the need for changing their life habits in the direction of more sustainable living and ecological awareness. As Naturama natural history museum is a project partner, we expect this museum to be a key venue for talking about climate change and biodiversity loss.

The team collaborates closely with researchers working on dormouse at University of Copenhagen, University of Aarhus and Aalborg University, as well as researchers from the United kingdom, Germany, and Lithuania. It has contact with all national research units concerned with ICT-mediated learning and many connections to international units in Europe, the USA and Australia. Finally, they have close contact with local groups within The Danish Society for Nature Conservation working on dormouse, the Danish Mammal Society, and private persons involved in citizen science.

We expect the qualified PhD applicant to:

  • Have good Danish and English skills, both in speaking and writing
  • Have good communicative skills in front of audiences
  • Have knowledge in SoMe platforms
  • Be ready for periods with intensive field work together with TBB and alone.
  • Have statistical skills using R
  • Be engaged, show initiative, co-operative, be able to work alone, showing awareness and confidence in own skills and capabilities

The PhD applicant will be formally employed at the Department of Biology and will also be affiliated with and working at the Department of Media, Design, Education and Cognition and at Naturama.

Deadline: 29 September 2023.

Please see the full call, including how to apply, on


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Syddansk Universitet, Campusvej, 5230 Odense M


Ansøgningsfrist: 29-09-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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