Postdoctoral Positions to Study Core Cell Cycle Machinery in Early Development Mechanisms


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

At the recently established lab of Kumar Somyajit, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark, we seek highly motivated postdoctoral candidates with prime interest in cell cycle, genome maintenance, early development mechanisms, and quantitative imaging. Experience with CRISPR-based gene editing, optical microscopy, and quantitative skills are required. Previous work in the field of genome integrity and/or experience in working on embryonic stem cells are a plus.

Research Project and Role
Metabolic fluctuations (such as Redox), together with changes in DNA replication and cell cycle dynamics, balance the self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells during embryonic growth and tissue homeostasis throughout adult life. However, despite their obvious importance in cell physiology, the direct interplay among these major cellular processes still needs to be explored.

As a postdoc fellow in the Somyajit group, you will be involved in a highly interdisciplinary project uncovering regulatory foundations of core-cell cycle machinery (Cyclin-CDKs) and genome protection in the context of natural metabolic fluctuations during stem cell proliferation and their differentiation.

You will employ CRISPR-based gene editing in mammalian cell models of development (embryonic and adult stem cells) and non-transformed human cells to endogenously label and quantify - Cyclin-CDK activities and subcellular metabolic states. With these novel cell models, you will combine advanced quantitative cell biology approaches such as quantitative-image-based-cytometry- QIBC, time-lapse microscopy, super-resolution microscopy, DNA fiber techniques, RNA sequencing, with classical genetics to reveal foundational mechanistic links between metabolic fluctuations and the Cyclin-CDK activities in embryonic cell division, cell fate determination, cell fitness, and cell survival.

You will interact and collaborate closely with other researchers in the Somyajit group and with members of the different research groups within FGM and at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The FGM research unit currently hosts seven independent research groups focusing on various aspects of functional genomics as it pertains to the regulation of cellular differentiation, genome maintenance and organization, and metabolism. The Research Unit constitutes an international, ambitious, highly dynamic, and well-equipped working environment. The unit and the department have state-of-the-art facilities for bioimaging, next generation sequencing, single-cell transcriptomics, flow cytometry, mass spectrometry, metabolomics, and transgenic mouse work. Strategic research alliances exist with the Odense University Hospital (OUH).

Postdoc Qualifications/Requirements
We are looking for a highly motivated, dedicated, and ambitious candidate with:

  • A PhD degree in Life Science, preferably Cell Biology, Biomedicine, or Computational Biology
  • A curious mind-set with a strong interest in fundamental Cell cycle, DNA replication and Genome integrity
  • Experience with molecular cell biology, biochemistry, and optical microscopy
  • At least one first-author publication in a relevant journal in the field
  • Strong communication and collaborative skills and a desire to work in an interdisciplinary environment
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English
  • Know-how in the Genome integrity field, stem cell culture, quantitative microscopy, bioinformatics will be considered an advantage.

Deadline: 31 July 2023.

Please see the full call, including how to apply, on


- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:

Odense Kommune

-Virksomheden tilbyder:


Syddansk Universitet, Campusvej, 5230 Odense M


Ansøgningsfrist: 31-07-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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